[TYPO3-mvc] TYPO3-Core complete rebuild to realize modern development paradigms?

Gabriel Kaufmann | Typoworx info at typoworx.de
Mon Aug 12 11:50:04 CEST 2013

Hello Chris,

thanks for your feedback.

I completly agree that a break of current extensions would is inescapeable!

That's why I made the suggestion for a complete new tree trying to adapt 
the syntax and backend of current TYPO3 releases and do a complete 
rewrite. I also would prefer a complete separate TER for such a tree, as 
the current implementation of mixed TYPO3 4.x and 6.x Extensions is a 
real pain (my 4.7.x TYPO3 projects always report "updates" even if those 
are then only compatible with the 6.x tree).

> i think its better to have an continous improvments on the core
> than an rewrite.
I can only partly agree with to that. Of course it would be better, but 
don't forget that even tiny changes can lead into incompatibility for 
some extensions. There may be a lot of work to archieve only small 
effects on trying to rewrite an old concept that may be can never really 
lead into a good rewrite at all as some old static concepts are 
untouchable (touching them may also lead into a large compatibility 
issue then).

So I would prefer adapting the existing concept only, but do a code-rewrite.

> if you are looking for a modern codebase you Should focus your work
> more on TYPO3 Neos they plan to have an 1.0 release in Oktober this
> year.
I'm also looking forward to that and I'm watching the progress. I did'nt 
have a look in the recent core-code yet (it's planned), but I fear that 
even there is too much of the old code only copied rather than adapted 
to something new. If NEOS would lead into another TYPO3-Version that 
doesn't make a cut-off of old coding paradigms that have been used in 
current 4.x and 6.x versions, this would be only another half solution 
into something modern.

As far as I know TYPO3-NEOS is basing on FLOW - this would (what I hope) 
implicate that there already Doctrine has been used for database 
handling. Extbase on TYPO3 4.x and 6.x has lead ito a dead-birth in my 
opinion as Extbase still bases on the very old and unstable first 
versions of FLOW3.

And even TYPO3 6.x didn't do the "cut-off" I had expected for a new 
TYPO3 major-version trying to introduce something new to the community.

Maybe someone in here already know's more about TYPO3-NEOS concepts?

So let's wait which direction TYPO3-NEOS is going to... I'll hope the best.

I'm still interested anyway what other users of the community think 
about my initial idea ;-)

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