[TYPO3-mvc] The controller ... is not allowed by this plugin. Please check for Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.

Kerstin Finke kerstinfinke at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 28 09:14:25 CEST 2012

Hi list,

I built my first extbase-extension (TYPO3 4.7.4).

There is one plugin and two Domain Models (flat and customer).

In the flat-list-view the customer can choose a flat and gets a contact 
form. When he sends the contact-form, the controller changes to 
customer. It seems allright in the url:


but I get the error-message

  The controller "customer" is not allowed by this plugin. Please check 
for Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::configurePlugin() in your 

In ext_localconf.php the controller ist configured:

		'Flat' => 'list,show,contact',
		'Customer' => 'sendform'
		'Flat' => 'list,show,contact',
		'Customer' => 'sendform'

In flexform I listed the action too and put it as plugin on page with pid 35

<numIndex index="3">
  <numIndex index="0">Sendform</numIndex>
  <numIndex index="1">Customer->sendform</numIndex>

Has anyone any hint whats wrong? Or could it be a bug of extbase 4.7.4?


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