[TYPO3-mvc] Find object properties, only using TypoScript

Christian Müller christian.mueller at typo3.org
Fri Oct 26 08:52:16 CEST 2012

On 25/10/12 20:19, Albrecht Köhnlein wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have created an extbase extension with multiple object models. One 
> of the models is called Article, another one is called Contact. Each 
> Article has a relation to one Contact, each Contact contains an email 
> address as string property.
> On another page, in another extension, I would like to fill a marker 
> with contents from my Article object and its related Contact object.
> # simplified typoscript:
> plugin.tx_myotherextension {
>     anymarker = TEXT
>     anymarker {
>         #
>         # What to do here to get Article's headline
>         # or related Contact's email address?
>         #
>     }
> }
There is no such thing atm. Your best bet is to either use something 
like CONTENT to fetch the entries or create a specialized plugin 
(controller+action) to output the raw string with the needed data. But 
if the other extension is yours too, why don't you get yourself the 
repository from the first extension injected and go from there instead 
of doing it in Typoscript?


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