[TYPO3-mvc] Find object properties, only using TypoScript

Albrecht Köhnlein albrecht.koehnlein at gmx.de
Thu Oct 25 20:19:50 CEST 2012

Hi list,

I have created an extbase extension with multiple object models. One of 
the models is called Article, another one is called Contact. Each 
Article has a relation to one Contact, each Contact contains an email 
address as string property.

On another page, in another extension, I would like to fill a marker 
with contents from my Article object and its related Contact object.

# simplified typoscript:
plugin.tx_myotherextension {
	anymarker = TEXT
	anymarker {
		# What to do here to get Article's headline
		# or related Contact's email address?

Is there a simple and proper way to find properties by TypoScript, 
without doing manual SQL queries?

My only idea would be to use stdWrap.postUserFunc and manually include 
some SQL statements.

Any ideas? I hope, you understand my problem. ;)

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