[TYPO3-mvc] Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_InfiniteLoop

Claus Due claus at wildside.dk
Mon Jan 2 13:51:24 CET 2012

Hi Mark,

Is the rewritten PropertyMapper enabled? It currently has an issue where it does not recognize @dontvalidate and this could make it end up in an infinite loop betweeen your newAction and createAction.

>>> public function __construct($program = 0, $price = 0.00, $name = '', $address = '',
>>> $postcode = '', $city = '', $email = '', $paymentType = '', $referral = '',
>>> $transactionId = '') {
>>> $this->program = $this->setProgram($program);
>>> $this->price = $this->setPrice($price);
>>> $this->name = $this->setName($name);
>>> $this->address = $this->setAddress($address);
>>> $this->postcode = $this->setPostcode($postcode);
>>> $this->city = $this->setCity($city);
>>> $this->email = $this->setEmail($email);
>>> //$this->newsletter = $this->setNewsletter($newsletter);
>>> $this->paymentType = $this->setPaymentType($paymentType);
>>> $this->referral = $this->setReferral($referral);
>>> $this->transactionId = $this->setTransactionId($transactionId);
>>> }

About this piece of code - I think you need to remove the "$this->member = " part from all lines above - your setter methods do no return anything so you would actually end up with NULL/void as the value of all the properties you set. If you POST all these values it doesn't matter but if you create an instance manually with arguments to __construct() you would get incorrect values.

Internally you do not need your setters and getters unless they perform special actions. In the code above you could use just $this->program = $program;


> Does nobody have a clue or give me some hints where to look?
> Thanks, Mark
> On 29/12/11 7:00 PM, Mark Kuiphuis wrote:
>> I made some progress (as I am now able to save a record to the database, but as soon
>> as I the validation of one variable in the model:
>> /**
>> * @var string
>> * @validate EmailAddress
>> */
>> protected $email;
>> and I fill in a wrong email address on purpose, I still get the InfiniteLoop problem.
>> The @dontvalidate is still there in the comments of the newAction() in the
>> OrderController;
>> /*
>> * Displays a form for creating a new order
>> *
>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program The selected program
>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder The new order object
>> * @dontvalidate $newOrder
>> * @return string An HTML form for creating a new order
>> */
>> public function newAction(Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program,
>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder = NULL) {
>> $referrals = $this->referralRepository->findAllReferrals();
>> $this->view->assign('program', $program);
>> $this->view->assign('newOrder', $newOrder);
>> $this->view->assign('referrals', $referrals);
>> }
>> /*
>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program The selected program
>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder A fresh newOrder object which
>> has not been added to the repository yet
>> * @return void
>> */
>> public function createAction(Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder) {
>> $this->orderRepository->add($newOrder);
>> $this->redirect('show');
>> }
>> I hope I'm not overlooking one of those silly typo's, as I can't see it :(
>> Regards, Mark
>> On 29/12/11 2:23 PM, Mark Kuiphuis wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Some people have already written about this in the newsgroup before, but whatever I
>>> do, I cannot get rid of the InfiniteLoop problem.
>>> I am building a small extension where people can select one travel brochure
>>> ($program) at a time and then order that brochure. But whatever I do, I cannot get
>>> the order form to submit.
>>> It happens with TYPO3 4.5.10 (Extbase: 1.3.1-devel) and also with 4.6.2 (Extbase
>>> 1.4.1)
>>> <f:flashMessages /> also occasionally outputs over a 100 error messages like:
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->createAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> An error occurred while trying to call
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController->newAction()
>>> This happens after just clearing the cache and going through the process of ordering
>>> a travel brochure.
>>> My controller looks like this:
>>> <?php
>>> class Tx_TravelPrograms_Controller_OrderController extends
>>> Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_ActionController {
>>> /*
>>> * The referral Repository
>>> */
>>> public $referralRepository;
>>> /*
>>> * The orderRepository
>>> */
>>> public $orderRepository;
>>> /*
>>> * Initialises the repositories
>>> */
>>> public function initializeAction() {
>>> $this->referralRepository =
>>> t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Repository_ReferralRepository');
>>> $this->orderRepository =
>>> t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Repository_OrderRepository');
>>> }
>>> /*
>>> * Displays a form for creating a new order
>>> *
>>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program The selected program
>>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder The new order object
>>> * @dontvalidate $newOrder
>>> * @return string An HTML form for creating a new order
>>> */
>>> public function newAction(Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program,
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder = NULL) {
>>> $referrals = $this->referralRepository->findAllReferrals();
>>> $this->view->assign('program', $program);
>>> $this->view->assign('newOrder', $newOrder);
>>> $this->view->assign('referrals', $referrals);
>>> }
>>> /*
>>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program The selected program
>>> * @param Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder A fresh newOrder object which
>>> has not been added to the repository yet
>>> * @return void
>>> */
>>> public function createAction(Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Program $program,
>>> Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order $newOrder) {
>>> $this->orderRepository->add($newOrder);
>>> $this->redirect('show');
>>> }
>>> /*
>>> * Just a comment...
>>> */
>>> public function showAction() {
>>> echo "ShowAction ---<br/>";
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ?>
>>> The @dontvalidate $newOrder is there, but I keep on getting this 101 infinite loop
>>> error
>>> The fluid form looks like this:
>>> <f:flashMessages />
>>> <f:form action="create" name="newOrder" object="{newOrder}" noCacheHash="true">
>>> <div>
>>> <f:form.hidden property="program" value="{program.uid}" />
>>> <f:form.hidden property="price" value="{program.price}" />
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="name"><f:translate key="name" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.textbox property="name" size="50" /></div>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="address"><f:translate key="address" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.textbox property="address" size="50" /></div>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="postcode"><f:translate key="postcode" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.textbox property="postcode" size="10" /></div>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="city"><f:translate key="city" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.textbox property="city" size="50" /></div>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="email"><f:translate key="email" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.textbox property="email" size="50" /></div>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <!-- div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="newsletter"><f:translate key="newsletter" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.checkbox property="newsletter" value="0" /> <f:translate
>>> key="newsletter_info" /></div -->
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <div class="flabel">
>>> <label for="referral"><f:translate key="referral" /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:form.select property="referral" options="{referrals}"
>>> optionValueField="uid" optionLabelField="title" /></div>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <fieldset class="payment-methods">
>>> <legend><f:translate key="paymentTypes" /></legend>
>>> <div class="field">
>>> <f:form.radio class="radio" property="paymentType" value="1"
>>> checked="{payment.paymentType} == 1" /> <f:translate key="paymentType_Ideal" /><br/>
>>> <f:form.radio class="radio" property="paymentType" value="2"
>>> checked="{payment.paymentType} == 2" /> <f:translate key="paymentType_BankTransfer"
>>> /><br/>
>>> </div>
>>> </fieldset>
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <!-- div class="flabel"></div>
>>> <div class="field">
>>> <div style="float: left; margin-right: 5px;"><f:form.checkbox property="terms"
>>> value="1" /></div> <label for="terms-conditions"><f:translate key="terms-conditions"
>>> /></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="field"><f:translate key="terms_info" /></div -->
>>> <div class="clear"></div>
>>> <f:form.submit class="submit" value="{f:translate(key: 'submit_order')}" />
>>> </f:form>
>>> And the model:
>>> <?php
>>> class Tx_TravelPrograms_Domain_Model_Order extends
>>> Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity {
>>> /**
>>> * @var int
>>> */
>>> protected $program = 0;
>>> /**
>>> * @var double2
>>> */
>>> protected $price = 0.00;
>>> /**
>>> * @var string
>>> * @validate StringLength(maximum=5)
>>> */
>>> protected $name = '';
>>> /**
>>> * @var string
>>> */
>>> protected $address = '';
>>> /**
>>> * @var string
>>> */
>>> protected $postcode = '';
>>> /**
>>> * @var string
>>> */
>>> protected $city = '';
>>> /**
>>> * @var string
>>> */
>>> protected $email = '';
>>> /**
>>> * @var int
>>> */
>>> //protected $newsletter = 0;
>>> /**
>>> * @var int
>>> */
>>> protected $paymentType = '';
>>> /**
>>> * @var int
>>> */
>>> protected $referral = 0;
>>> /**
>>> * @var string
>>> */
>>> protected $transactionId = '';
>>> public function __construct($program = 0, $price = 0.00, $name = '', $address = '',
>>> $postcode = '', $city = '', $email = '', $paymentType = '', $referral = '',
>>> $transactionId = '') {
>>> $this->program = $this->setProgram($program);
>>> $this->price = $this->setPrice($price);
>>> $this->name = $this->setName($name);
>>> $this->address = $this->setAddress($address);
>>> $this->postcode = $this->setPostcode($postcode);
>>> $this->city = $this->setCity($city);
>>> $this->email = $this->setEmail($email);
>>> //$this->newsletter = $this->setNewsletter($newsletter);
>>> $this->paymentType = $this->setPaymentType($paymentType);
>>> $this->referral = $this->setReferral($referral);
>>> $this->transactionId = $this->setTransactionId($transactionId);
>>> }
>>> public function setProgram($program) {
>>> $this->program = (int)$program;
>>> }
>>> public function getProgram() {
>>> return $this->program;
>>> }
>>> public function setPrice($price) {
>>> $this->price = (double)$price;
>>> }
>>> public function getPrice() {
>>> return $this->price;
>>> }
>>> public function setName($name) {
>>> $this->name = (string)$name;
>>> }
>>> public function getName() {
>>> return $this->name;
>>> }
>>> public function setAddress($address) {
>>> $this->address = (string)$address;
>>> }
>>> public function getAddress() {
>>> return $this->address;
>>> }
>>> public function setPostcode($postcode) {
>>> $this->postcode = (string)$postcode;
>>> }
>>> public function getPostcode() {
>>> return $this->postcode;
>>> }
>>> public function setCity($city) {
>>> $this->city = (string)$city;
>>> }
>>> public function getCity() {
>>> return $this->city;
>>> }
>>> public function setEmail($email) {
>>> $this->email = (string)$email;
>>> }
>>> public function getEmail() {
>>> return $this->email;
>>> }
>>> // public function setNewsletter($newsletter) {
>>> // $this->newsletter = (int)$newsletter;
>>> // }
>>> //
>>> // public function getNewsletter() {
>>> // return $this->newsletter;
>>> // }
>>> public function setPaymentType($paymentType) {
>>> $this->name = (int)$paymentType;
>>> }
>>> public function getPaymentType() {
>>> return $this->paymentType;
>>> }
>>> public function setReferral($referral) {
>>> $this->referral = (int)$referral;
>>> }
>>> public function getReferral() {
>>> return $this->referral;
>>> }
>>> public function setTransactionId($transactionId) {
>>> $this->transactionId = (int)$transactionId;
>>> }
>>> public function getTransactionId() {
>>> return $this->transactionId;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ?>
>>> I temporarily disabled the newsletter property as this is generating another error
>>> that no value could be found for key formObject...(don't know the exact error
>>> message)...
>>> Any help is kindly appreciated :-)
>>> Regards, Mark
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