[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase 1.4.x localization: default language fallback

g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch
Tue Nov 29 19:28:39 CET 2011

Hi there,

We moved our project from T3 4.5 to 4.6.1 i.e. Extbase changed from 1.3 
to 1.4.x...

We are using one default language and two translations.

Before moving to 4.6.1 the translate viewhelper printed the default 
language value if no translation was found.
Now there is an empty string - how can i swicht back to the old behaviour?

I can remember reading about this issue a few days ago but i can't find 
this information anymore.

Any help would be much appreciated!


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