[TYPO3-mvc] How do I execute an external program from extbase?

mario chiari m at mariochiari.net
Sun Jul 17 16:46:51 CEST 2011


I would like to implement something like the following lines of code:

        // Opening the pdflatex process
	// changing directory to make pdflatex write the aux, log and pdf file
in the workfile directory
	$command = "cd " . t3lib_extMgm::siteRelPath("pdf_export") .
"workfiles; " . $cObj['pdflatexPath'] . "pdflatex&> texerror";
	$f=popen($command, "w"); 

(from pdf_export

How do you do something like that in extbase? 
Is there something I may look at and hack?

Thanks a lot

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