[TYPO3-mvc] extbase_pager usage.

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Thu Jul 29 10:34:45 CEST 2010

Braulio J. Solano-Rojas wrote:

Hi Braulio,

>>> I have installed extbase_pager extension and I have added this in my
>>> layout:
>>> {namespace m=Tx_ExtbasePager_ViewHelpers}

You will have to add this namespace declaration in every template file 
that uses the namespace. That might seem cumbersome, but it has some 
important advantages:
- the template/partial is more explicit and easier to comprehend
- the template/partial is re-usable
- auto completion will (once) work even for custom ViewHelpers

Only the "f" namespace is pre-defined and can't be overridden.

> IMHO, I think I rushed into using extbase. IHMO too, extbase is not
> feature complete despite the version is greater than 1.0.0.

The version number doesn't say anything about feature completeness 
(Windows 3.1 wasn't feature complete and I'm sure it still isn't with 
version 7 ;)

> I've been having troubles with simple things...

That's a pity.. But I'm sure, thats mostly the case when you start 
working with a new framework. We're trying to lower the barriers and we 
know, that we're not there yet. That's why it's so important to get 
feedback and constructive criticism from the community.

> [...] as a MVC framework it does not follow the convention over configuration
> philosophy

Could you give an example where exactly you're missing this?
If you're talking about the fact, that you have to configure the 
extension in so many different ways and places (Annotations, TCA, 
TypoScript) I agree with you.. The reason for this is, that we had to 
embed this framework in the world of TYPO3 without breaking the existing 
conventions too much.

> (too much code bureaucracy for my taste).

An example would be great.
If you're thinking about the need to properly annotate your methods and 
properties - I think, this is rather a feature of Extbase & Fluid.

> If I get the pager to work I'll send an email.

I didn't test the pager and I don't want to judge it at all. But be 
aware, that this is a community extension thus it might not be in sync 
with the current Extbase / Fluid versions.
BTW: We're working on a nice approach for these "extended ViewHelpers" 
aka Widgets (see http://forge.typo3.org/issues/8773)


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