[TYPO3-mvc] TypoScript manipulation per object property

Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer thasmo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 01:29:28 CEST 2010

Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer wrote:
> I'd like to provide the possibility to define custom
> TypoScript for every property of every object available,
> which would be used to manipulate the final output of
> the property in the template.


Just found out, that I ofc can use the cObject viewhelper to
get the desired effect/solution I want, but there are two things
which I don't like that much:

1) I have to explicitly set "current = 1":

stdWrap = TEXT
stdWrap {
	current = 1
	crop = 10 | ...

2) Adding a lot of those viewhelper will end in unreadable templates:


(That's only for one property 'street' in the template.)

So I'm wondering if there would be a better solution which would
just apply the typoscript configuration and use the returned value
in the template.

Is it needed to "hook" into Fluid there somewhere?

I suppose it's cleaner to do this "manipulation" somewhere AFTER the
value was returned from the property getters, because I think it's 
cleaner AND correct to return the full "raw" value from the getter.
(Also because I want to make this typoscript manipulation ONLY for the 
template output.)

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!


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