[TYPO3-mvc] Performance of TypoScript::convertTypoScriptArrayToPlainArray

Timo Schmidt timo.schmidt at aoemedia.de
Tue Jul 13 16:18:22 CEST 2010


im currently developing an large extension using extbase and fluid. 
Today i did some performance checks with xdebug and kcachgrind and i 
figured out that 30% of the rendering time is spend in the function 
TypoScript::convertTypoScriptArrayToPlainArray i head a look on that 
function and saw that it copies the hole array and converts it. The 
array is passed as a copy to each recursive call and copys the level for 
that recursion to a result array.

The attached patch extends the testcases to have a more solid base for 
refactoring and give an approach to refactor the method in a way that no 
copying between two arrays is needed.

But in general i what to ask? Why do we need to transform the whole 
typoscipt before the extension is rendered. This can even be done by an 
accessor object at runtime(with a caching layer)


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