[TYPO3-mvc] Controller ignores Repository's findByUid() [webservice/SOAP]

Bart Veldhuizen bart at v-int.nl
Tue Dec 28 07:57:18 CET 2010

Anyone? Should I report this as a bug, or do I just misunderstand something?



Op 23-12-10 14:04, Bart Veldhuizen schreef:
> Hello list,
> I have recently begun studying Extbase/Fluid development using Jochen
> and Sebastian's excellent book. As part of a first 'real-life' test, I
> want to retrieve and later store some information in an external system
> using a SOAP webservice.
> I've read the discussions on this list on this topic, and for my purpose
> it seems logical to place this functionality in the Repository.
> At this moment, I've implemented two methods: findAll() and findByUid().
> The first one works fine (I left out the inclusion of my external
> classes and error handling for readability):
> ------------------------
> public function findAll() {
> $client = new DataService();
> $oResp = $client->ListProgrammes( new ListProgrammesReq() );
> $result = array();
> foreach( $oResp->Programmes as $Programma ) {
> $result[] = new Tx_Test_Domain_Model_Programma( /* args */);
> }
> return $result;
> }
> ------------------------
> I can now list and display data in my controller's listAction().
> For displaying a single record, I implemented the following findByUid()
> method:
> ------------------------
> public function findByUid($uid) {
> $client = new DataService();
> $Programma = $client->GetProgrammeById( new GetProgrammeById($uid) );
> return new Tx_Test_Domain_Model_Programma( /* args */);
> }
> ------------------------
> This causes Extbase to throw an exception. The root cause of this is
> that the controller uses
> Tx_Extbase_MVC_Controller_Argument::findObjectByUid() to retrieve my
> object. This method tries to perform a direct database query (and
> fails), and does not use my the findByUid() method in my model:
> ------------------------
> protected function findObjectByUid($uid) {
> $query = $this->queryFactory->create($this->dataType);
> $query->getQuerySettings()->setRespectSysLanguage(FALSE);
> $result = $query->matching($query->equals('uid', $uid))->execute();
> $object = NULL;
> if (count($result) > 0) {
> $object = current($result);
> }
> return $object;
> }
> ------------------------
> If I understand the framework correctly so far, such a request should be
> passed through my domain's repository, no?
> There's an issue on forge with a patch for this problem, but it hasn't
> been touched for over 11 months: http://forge.typo3.org/issues/6017
> Am I missing the point here? Any insights to help me along would be much
> appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Bart

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