[TYPO3-mvc] Fetching FEUsers related to FEUserGroup

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Thu Dec 9 16:45:16 CET 2010

Hey Alex,

> I tried the following query methods:
> $query->equals('usergroup',$usergroupObject);
> $query->equals('usergroup.uid',$usergroupObject->getUid());
> $query->contains('usergroup',$usergroupObject);
> $query->contains('usergroup.uid',$usergroupObject->getUid());

I'm not sure, but I think Marc Bastian found a bug with "contains" and 
MM relations, where extbase uses the wrong fieldname to build the 
statement. Not sure though if he already created a ticket for it as he 
was quite busy to get things done before his vacation.

 From what I see, lines 2 and 3 should return something, but in case of 
line 3 (which should be the correct way to do) there could be the 
mentioned bug.

So in general your thinking is correct, but there might be a bug. Could 
you please debug the created statements in the Typo3DbBackend?

Yesterday I also noticed a issue with missing MM_match_fields in queries 
build by the repository. I already have a fix for it, but I'm not yet 
sure if I fixed the correct place or if the main cause is somewhere 
else, so I'd like to talk to Jochen first who might have the most 
insight of the QOM etc.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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