[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase equivalent of page.includeJSFooterlibs and page.jsInline

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Mon Dec 6 17:55:02 CET 2010

Hey Michiel,

> I would like to include some JS that is dependant on flexform input. Is
> there an easy way to get this custom JS in the footer of a site (after
> the jQeury lib that is loaded via TS?

you mean a wrapping viewHelper for inline JS that is adding it at the 
correct places, like at the bottom, or would move it to a external 
(merged) file? That's also something I was looking for a few days ago, 
but didn't have the time to come up with a prototype. If you have some 
time left, I'd be happy to see such a viewHelper arise and test it :)

For now I simply created a stack array in my inline JS code, where I 
assign my custom JS to (the method calls). This stack array is then 
checked by my globally included JS file.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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