[TYPO3-mvc] UnitTests for Controller
Jochen Rau
jochen.rau at typoplanet.de
Mon Nov 30 03:53:30 CET 2009
Hi Dennis,
dennis ahrens wrote:
> in my case the controller is just calling some methods on a parser
> which build up a object and adds it to the repository.
> Looks like this:
> public function importAction($xmlFile) {
> $this->parser->loadXMLFile($xmlFile,'documenttemplate.xsd');
> if($this->parser->validate()) {
> $documentTemplate = $this->parser->convertIntoObject();
> $this->documentTemplateRepository->add($documentTemplate);
> }
> }
> do you think it's best practice to write tests for all service methods
> and don't write tests for the controller at all?
It's ok to write tests for the controller, although it contains very
little logic. Here is an example of a test for an indexAction:
public function indexAction() {
class Tx_SjrOffers_Controller_OrganizationControllerTest extends
Tx_Extbase_BaseTestCase {
* @test
public function indexActionWorks() {
$mockOrganizationRepository =
array('findAll'), array(), '', FALSE);
$mockView = $this->getMock('Tx_Fluid_Core_View_TemplateView',
array('assign'), array(), '', FALSE);
array('organization1', 'organization2'));
$mockController =
array('dummy'), array(), '', FALSE);
$mockController->_set('view', $mockView);
Because of the numerous dependencies of the controller, you have to make
usage of mocks. The most important line here is
('Tx_SjrOffers_Controller_OrganizationController'), array('dummy'),
array(), '', FALSE);
The argument array('dummy') ensures that every method will be
implemented and not mocked. That's a little bit confusing, but otherwise
the indexAction will be replaced by a mock method and won't do anything.
The argument FALSE ensures that the constructor will not be invoked.
Every nit picked is a bug fixed
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