[TYPO3-mvc] findByUid probably not working?

Frederic Gaus mailinglists at necroshine.de
Wed Nov 25 17:23:10 CET 2009


my fe_users looks mainly like this:
uid / pid / name
1 / 0 / John Doe
2 / 4 / Bouche

I wrote the following code:
$userRepository = 
$users = $userRepository->findAll();

This returns only the user "John Doe" on PID=0. A call of the method 
findByUid(1) also returns this fe_user The user Bouche is not fetched by 
"findAll" at all. Furthermore, findByUid(2) throws the following exception:

Expected parameter 1 to be object, NULL given

Tx_Extbase_MVC_Exception_InvalidArgumentType thrown in file 
in line 134.

Could someone help me, please?
Thanks in advance! Best wishes


Frederic Gaus                                 pgp-key: 93E6903C
fingerprint: 0C55 4517 CC1E 5F7F 9059  3535 AB54 D8E8 93E6 903C

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