[TYPO3-mvc] Discussion: Storage Backend not compatible to DBAL

Jochen Rau jochen.rau at typoplanet.de
Thu Nov 19 10:16:18 CET 2009


There is an open issue "Typo3DBBackend.php not compatible to DBAL" on forge.


I cite my comment on Steffen Ritters proposal here to get a broader 
discussion about how to solve that issue:

-- snip 8< --------------
Extbase does not fully support DBAL features ATM. This is because there 
are two contrary ways to implement support for different storage backends:

1. providing a multi-purpose Typo3DbBackend taking DBAL as an other 
layer below.
2. implementing the differences in parsing the QueryObjectModel in a 
slim storage backend for each backend deriving common functionality from 
an abstract storage backend.

I definitely prefer the latter way. In this case the hierarchy could be 
as follow:

- AbstractStorageBackend <- some common functionality
     - AbstractAnsiSqlBackend <- does most of the parsing
         - MySqlBackend
         - OracleBackend <- very slim
         - PostgresBackend
     - AbstractFileBackend
         - CsvBackend
         - XmlBackend

IMHO the second way has several advantages:
- small pieces of code to be optimized
- separated responsibilities makes it easy to understand the functionality
- easily plugged together (a different storage backend for each class)

Of course, the easy and quick way would be to utilize exec_* (due to 
lack of time). It would be great, if you could provide a patch for this 
(or if you could dedicate your time to the second way).
--- snap 8< ----------

What's your opinion about that? Any other ideas?


Every nit picked is a bug fixed

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