[TYPO3-mvc] Blog Example and Value Object question
Franz Koch
typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Wed Dec 30 11:30:57 CET 2009
> How do I access the post repository from the blog repository? Somehow I don't understand why not the
> blog repository can get the findByTag() method.
I think the method shouldn't be inside the blogRepository but the blog
model as aggregate root if I understood Jochen correctly. If you like to
move it to a repository, then the postRepository might be the correct
one and you would need 4 methods in total for a complete featureset:
Those methods might also accept arrays as tag parameter, if multiple
tags/categories get selected/filtered. But for me those
findByFooAndBarAndFoobar methods look odd, especially if you have
various enableFields (maybe by having a additional country or language
filter, author filter and need to combine them). It's just like
reinventing the wheel for every additional sql criteria you need.
That's ridiculous and way to much overhead in my eyes as I thought the
extBase/Flow3 approach would simplify things. A "cleaner" way would be
to let the blogObject/aggregateRoot itterate over the blogPosts and
apply various filter options at a time - but that's somewhat slow and
not applicable on larger projects.
So maybe a more generic method like "findAllByBlogAndMultipleProperties"
might be the way to go, although writing tests for this might be a bit
more difficult than for "simpler" methods.
array (
'author' => $author,
'tag' => $date,
'timerange' => array(
'min' => $dateMin,
'max' => $dateMax
What do you think? If you think this would be a good idea, we should
think of a proper method name and provide a generic
"findByMultipleProperties" in the abstractRepository of extbase as a)
usefull addition and b) as a reference for other methods of this type.
kind regards,
Franz Koch
PayPal-Account: 'paypal _at_ elements-net _dot_ de'
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