[TYPO3-mvc] ExtCommon - an idea

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Dec 29 19:42:17 CET 2009

Michael Knoll schrieb:
> Hi Masi,
> I would not call it ExtCommon, but ExtCategories for example, as this is
>   a subject big enough for an own extension.

I choose the name ExtCommon so that it can cover more than "only" categories. I can live with a set
of extensions like ExtCategories, ExtTags and so on. I only thought it to be more convenient to
cramp together the common ones (hence the name).

> Remind, that there already has been an attempt to create an extension
> for categories (tx_categories?!?).

Sure. Of course there are extensions that provide all of the mentioned things. But they are not
built on ExtBase. And that was the point for my post. Pure ExtBase, no legacy code.


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