[TYPO3-mvc] how to convert flag/type and bitmask values for output in the view

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Sun Dec 27 12:53:31 CET 2009

Martin Kutschker schrieb:
>> could make an own viewhelper rendering the above mentioned code for usage:
>> <own:booleanTranslated property="myProperty" />
> Again, I have to write custom code for a common task.
Hey Masi,
you're right, currently there is much code for "common tasks" you have 
to write on your own. v.1 of extbase / fluid just provides the framework.
Bitmasks for with only one setter is not "really OO" but TYPO3 way. So 
if you have an viewhelper for that, make it public, next version could 
include a bunch of "TYPO3 v4 way" viewhelpers.
But they are not "portable" anymore.

You could think of an viewhelper <v4:tca.select property="xyz"> 
<v4.tca.check property="xyz"> ... automatically rendering the infos with 
tranlsation information derived from tca - should be no problem at 
all... but how to use in in v5?

> Steffen, thanx for detailed answers. I'll try to implement them. I hope that ExtBase and FLUID will
> evolve to assist the coder in common tasks. Currently it seems that while I have not to worry about
>  persistence I have to write many repeating lines of code for simple stuff (question a).

Yes currently it's very much "duplicity" :)

> Masi


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