[TYPO3-mvc] Libraries in Extbase

Christian Lerrahn (Cerebrum) christian.lerrahn at cerebrum.com.au
Fri Dec 11 08:00:35 CET 2009

Hi Jochen,
> > Is there any standard for how a DD library is set up? Or maybe a
> > consensus on that for Extbase/FLOW3 at least?
> The quick answer is: It depends.
> Handling tasks inside a software is also a domain (in sense of DDD).
> If your library produces complex output on its own, you may design it
> with the whole MVC stack. If you provide some nice ViewHelpers for
> Fluid, you are done. Just put them into an appropriate subfolder of
> Classes and others can refer to it in their templates by defining a
> namespace
> {namespace foo=Tx_YourExtension_ViewHelper}
> If you want to provide some domain-related services but has no output
> ( like an Tx_YourExtension_Service_InvoiceNumberService), just put
> them into the subfolder Domain/Service and others can call them from
> their code. (In TYPO3 4.4 there will be hopefully dependency
> injection.)
> Could you go a little bit in detail what your library is meant for?

I'm thinking of splitting our extension eu_sugarcrm into a library
backend and one or more frontends. However, to not have do redo
everything again for TYPO3 5, I'd like to use extbase already.
Effectively the library will be a SOAP/REST wrapper that talks to the
SugarCRM SOAP (or possibly later REST) interface on behalf of the
frontend. In essence it is just an abstraction layer. So, maybe from
what you suggested, that would be a service then?


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