[TYPO3-shop] Use ###TRANSACT_CODE### in the confirmation emails.

David Toshack david at vaultin.com
Fri Feb 3 00:52:22 CET 2006

Hi Peter,

I did a quick grep and other than the templates, found it in two places:

   lib/class.tx_ttproducts_basket.php:line 1148
   pi1/payment_DIBS.php:line 192

It is set by a GET or POST variable in both files:

   $markerArray['###TRANSACT_CODE###'] = t3lib_div::_GP('transact');

Hope this helps.


Peter Klein wrote:
> Hi List. Im trying to get the transaction code (The one with the marker 
> named ###TRANSACT_CODE### which is used in the 
> ###BASKET_ORDERCONFIRMATION_TEMPLATE### template part) you see after 
> successfull payment with creditcard to appear in the confirmation email, as 
> well as on the screen.
> But I can't find anywhere in the code where this marker is getting set?
> ###BASKET_ORDERCONFIRMATION_TEMPLATE### is used for displaying the 
> orderconfirmation in the browser, so I tried copying the marker part from 
> that template, and add it the the ###EMAIL_PLAINTEXT_TEMPLATE### which is 
> used for the confirmation email, like this:
> -- cut --
>    <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT###
>     This whole subpart, message_payment is substituted with the subpart 
> 'message_payment_[number-of-method-in-typoscript]'
>    -->
>     <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT_10### begin
>      Message for payment method 10
>     -->
> Dankorttransaktionsnummer:   ###TRANSACT_CODE###
>     <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT_10### end -->
>    <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT### -->
> -- cut --
> But all I get in my confirmation email is this:
> Dankorttransaktionsnummer:   ###TRANSACT_CODE###
> Which looks to me like the marker is never set...
> Have anyone tried to do the above with more success?
> It's not very userfriendly, if the customer have to write down part of the 
> info he sees on screen, since that info is not present in the confirmation 
> email..

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