[TYPO3-shop] Use ###TRANSACT_CODE### in the confirmation emails.

Peter Klein peter at umloud.dk
Thu Feb 2 14:10:41 CET 2006

Hi List. Im trying to get the transaction code (The one with the marker 
named ###TRANSACT_CODE### which is used in the 
###BASKET_ORDERCONFIRMATION_TEMPLATE### template part) you see after 
successfull payment with creditcard to appear in the confirmation email, as 
well as on the screen.

But I can't find anywhere in the code where this marker is getting set?

###BASKET_ORDERCONFIRMATION_TEMPLATE### is used for displaying the 
orderconfirmation in the browser, so I tried copying the marker part from 
that template, and add it the the ###EMAIL_PLAINTEXT_TEMPLATE### which is 
used for the confirmation email, like this:

-- cut --
   <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT###
    This whole subpart, message_payment is substituted with the subpart 
    <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT_10### begin
     Message for payment method 10
Dankorttransaktionsnummer:   ###TRANSACT_CODE###
    <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT_10### end -->
   <!-- ###MESSAGE_PAYMENT### -->
-- cut --

But all I get in my confirmation email is this:

Dankorttransaktionsnummer:   ###TRANSACT_CODE###

Which looks to me like the marker is never set...

Have anyone tried to do the above with more success?

It's not very userfriendly, if the customer have to write down part of the 
info he sees on screen, since that info is not present in the confirmation 

Peter Klein/Umloud Untd

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