[Typo3-shop] Using another table structure

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Mon Sep 19 12:04:52 CEST 2005

Hello Peter,
> Would it be interesting to implement something like a "field-mapping" 
> tt_products? So perhaps you can offer constants like
> plugin.tt_products.products.table = myproductstable
> plugin.tt_products.products.table.field.price = mypricefield
> This solution would probably solve my problem. If this would be interesting 
> for other tt_products users I could try to implement this table and field 
> mapping.
it is good that you want to implement this.

However I think it would be better to build it like this:

Crete an altFieldMarkers array TypoScript configuation.

plugin.tt_products.products.altFieldMarkers.price = PRICEFIELD_MARKERNAME

Normally always the field names are used for the markers.

> plugin.tt_products.products.table = myproductstable
This would be fine.

Use the lib/class.tx_ttproducts_db.php and the class  tx_ttproducts_db
for this implementation. This is needed also for the language overlay
All database access shall use the class tx_ttproducts_db. In the
initialisation part the table and field names can be assigned.

Contact me per email for more details and questions to this.


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