[Typo3-shop] Using another table structure

Peter Huppertz peter at futurmat.com
Mon Sep 19 09:41:49 CEST 2005

Hi Franz,

thanks for your answer.

Would it be interesting to implement something like a "field-mapping" 
tt_products? So perhaps you can offer constants like

plugin.tt_products.products.table = myproductstable
plugin.tt_products.products.table.field.price = mypricefield

This solution would probably solve my problem. If this would be interesting 
for other tt_products users I could try to implement this table and field 



"Franz Holzinger" <franz at fholzinger.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1127105361.20564.typo3-project-tt-products at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hello Peter,
>> possibly this is more a SQL-question than a tt_products question but 
>> perhaps
>> someone of you stumbled about this problem:
>> I use a self-written commerce solution (MS Access) for my face-to-face 
>> shop
>> and I want to use the same data in my online-shop created with 
>> tt_products.
>> So it's no problem to migrate this database to My-SQL and import them 
>> using
>> ODBC but I use totally different field and database names in my solution. 
>> So
>> it would be a lot of work to reassamble the whole MS-Access solution to 
>> use
>> a different datastructure and different names. I would prefer a kind of
>> "virtual" tt_products table that would map the tt_products fields to the
>> corresponding fields in my own solution.
> This would need some programming inside of tt_products. Also the
> template markers need to be different.
> Greets,
> Franz 

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