[Typo3-shop] no products in ###email_plaintext_template###

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Tue Sep 13 07:43:30 CEST 2005

function finalizeOrder($orderUid, $orderConfirmationHTML)	{


if (count($recipients))	{	// If any recipients, then compile and send
the mail.
	if ($emailContent)	{		// If there is plain text content - which is
		$parts = split(chr(10),$emailContent,2);		// First line is subject

		$cls  = t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName('tx_ttproducts_htmlmail');
		if (class_exists($cls) && $this->conf['orderEmail_htmlmail'])	{	// If
htmlmail lib is included, then generate a nice HTML-email


				} else {		// ... else just plain text...
					// $headers variable überall entfernt!
					$this->send_mail($this->personInfo['email'], $subject,
$plain_message, $this->conf['orderEmail_from'],
$this->conf['orderEmail_fromName'], $this->conf['AGBattachment']);
					if ($this->conf['generateCSV'])
						$addcsv = $csvfilepath;
						$addcsv = '';
					$this->send_mail($this->conf['orderEmail_to'], $subject,
$plain_message, $this->personInfo['email'], $this->personInfo['name'],


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