[Typo3-shop] Feature List

Mark Ravitz mark_r at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 16 11:57:36 CEST 2004


I just finished doing a major rewrite of tt_products.

The features which I had to implement which are not in your list are:

*Wish List

*Partially completed orders are saved in Item/Order tables instead of 
User data so that inventory can be tracked in real time to avoid back orders

*Pre build display formats:
     Grids for displaying lots of small items
     Cached pages built from searches of product keywords
     Pages showing the products from a list of itemnumbers

*Call Center mode for high speed entry of orders by people
taking orders over the phone

As far as development tasks are concerned, why not start
with a Requirements document, maybe built on the wiki.
Once you know what you want, then is the time to consider
whether to start with tt_news or tt_producs or whatever.

I would say you also need to decide if you're building for
end users or developers.   I think one of the real problems
with the tt_... code is that it tries to satisfy both
audiences, which adds a lot of complexity.

I'm interested in a system where I could easily go in
and modify the PHP to make it do whatever I want.  I
could care less if it comes up running with a lot of bells
and whistles right out of the box.

Mark Ravitz

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