[TYPO3-templavoila] Wizard without creating example pages

Michael typo3ml at schams.net
Fri Feb 11 15:02:14 CET 2011

On 10/02/11 08:06, Peter Niederlag wrote:

>> Just a suggestion :-)
> ... but deleting pages is way faster than implementing the feature I
> guess. ;(

hmm... yes and no. If I would be the only one who complains about this, 
then you are right. But I am pretty sure, I am not the only one :-)

In addition, adding (page-)records to the database which are deleted 
shortly after creation doesn't make sense from my perspective. Also 
(from a technical perspective) they are not really deleted but marked as 
deleted only, so they remain in the database and cause a gap of uid's 
before the "real" pages start (keep in mind I am talking about a NEW 
site without any pages at the time when I execute the TV Wizard).


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