[TYPO3-templavoila] New pagetree

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Nov 25 14:35:07 CET 2010


François Suter schrieb:
> Hi,
>> i examined, and there is a flag in em_conf "loadOrder". Unfortunally
>> it's not used anywhere, but this would be the solution if pagetree would
>> use the flag with "first" or something proper, i have to search in older
>> versions if this was ever used.
> "loadOrder" is not used, but "priority" is. You can set it to "top" or 
> "bottom". A "bottom" extension will automatically put itself in the last 
> position whenever a new extension is installed. As an example, extension 
> "date2cal" uses it and it works fine.

intersting, some hidden features :) i have to search for in the docs ...

However loadOrder would be interesting, for example if you add something 
to TV. Then you would define:
loadOrder => after:templavoila

Same is done for loading modules, and i think this should be adapted 
instead having a dead flag :)

@tolleiv: i'm interested in your code, i'll ask you on skype tonight.

vg Steffen

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