[TYPO3-templavoila] BE Layout problems

Ron Hall ronslists at busynoggin.com
Sun May 16 23:40:26 CEST 2010


>> I have made a new template. Inside I mapped some fields and I want to make them look properly in the Web>Page module.
>> What I have learned is that to be able to arrange the layout with the BELayout file the elements need to be set as "element:page content elements" or otherwise they won't be affected by BELayout but when I do this and add some content into them the content is not displayed in the front-end (Yes I cleared the cache).

If I am understanding you correctly, it sounds like the issue is with the mapping not the backend layout.

If by element:container you mean the setting in the DS for the type of field then element:container will be shown by beLayout but if you set as element: Rich text editor then it will not be shown by beLayout but will be in the extended tab of the page properties.

So it sounds like the backend is working properly for you. If the content is not showing up on the front end the it is either (1) something is wrong with the mapping or (2) something is off with the TypoScript in the data structure for rendering the field.

Ron Hall

Busy Noggin, Inc.
a web development agency


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