[TYPO3-templavoila] link attribute error

Lukas Rueegg t3.no-spam at rtpartner.ch
Mon Feb 12 15:47:37 CET 2007

hi dmitry

> I can give you a very short answer how to avoid this (this is not 
> difficult) but I prefer to show why it happens, so that later you can 
> detect and remove such things easily. So, forgive me a little riddle below.
no problem, i think it's a good approach to let the others understand 
what's happening...

>>     10.stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = field_link
> Does this make the answer clear? If no, I will explain. But look 
> yourself first, thsi really helps to understand what TV does.

i see, if removing the line above, the image doesn't get wrapped with 
the same link again.

but: why is this line in the image field typoscript anyway? is this a 
default (i.e. for the popup-image or an image link)?

thanks and best regards

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