[TYPO3-templavoila] RFC: access TV field-values in TS without stdWrap

Martin Klaus klausm at in.tum.de
Fri Sep 8 18:01:35 CEST 2006

Hi Dmitry

> Martin Klaus wrote:
>> Could you please tell me, if you see a chance to integrate this helpful
>> feature
>> based on my current implementation. (wich needs no additional
>> TS-preprocessing,
>> respects the current way of TV output rendering and is done in 8 simple
>> lines of code
>> in class.tx_templavoila_pi1.php).
> Why stdWrap cannot be used with constants in <TypoScript> section instead?

Let me describe the scenario:
(Have you looked at http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=4176 ?)


You want to set a TS-value in the <typoScript>-Section based on a FCE
wich a user has inserted into the FCE via Backend Form. (i.e.
color-properties for an
GifBuilder Object)

Normally you can use:
   "parameter.field = <some_fce_field_value>" inside <typoscript/> Tag

!!!BUT: This works only if parameter has stdWrap Properties... wich is not
the case
for a lot of parameters. !!! So what to do now?. It's not possible out of
the box.

So my solution solves this problem this way:

Why not use the well known, already existing TV Constant Substitution,
wich would work for all kinds of TS-Parameters:

   "parameter = {$<some_fce_field_value>}"

The only thing that have to be added to TemplaVoila is a way
to access the current FCE field values with


so that the values can be substituted into the typoscript code.

I hope it's clearer now.


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