[TYPO3-Solr] index.queue.configuration for pages (tt_content)

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed Sep 10 17:01:06 CEST 2014


On 10-9-2014 13:49, Kevin von Spiczak wrote:
> Okay I deleted the fields definition for pages now. I don't know but the
> more time I spend configuring this extension, the more I don't
> understand how it works or how it should work. So far, no content is
> indexed for the pages.

Short description of how EXT:solr indexing works (loads of details skipped):

- a hook in DataHandler (formerly known as TCEmain) notices changes in 
records and adds records and pages for which an index queue definition 
in TypoScript is active to the indexing queue
- a scheduler script triggers indexing of a group of items from the 
indexing queue
- pages are fetched by requesting those pages from the frontend and this 
information plus the fields from the page record are used for indexing
- other records are indexed by fetching the record itself and processing 
the fields

There are two levels of data processing configured in TypoScript. The 
first is the configuration of the index queues; these determine the data 
that is sent to the solr server. There is also definition for how the 
fields are presented in the search results.

To get solr basically working you'll first set up the server 
installation. There are some shell scripts in the extension that will 
arrange the entire installation. If your solr server is not on localhost 
you need to edit /opt/solr-tomcat/tomcat/conf/server.xml and remove the 
localhost restriction from the Connector definition.

In TYPO3 include the static template (the default template only at 
first), make sure there are domain records for the trees in the 
installation. In the TypoScript constants set the host, port, etcetera 
for the solr server.
Then in the cache menu in the backend use the option Initialize solr 
connections, in the Reports module check if the connection to the solr 
server can be made.
If that works open the Search module and initialize the indexing queue. 
After that you can run the scheduler tasks to do the actual indexing.

You can use the devLog extension (there are some TypoScript options to 
enable more debug logging) to debug most of the problems. If it turns 
out that the command on the solr server causes a problem you can find 
the response in the devlog and see the errors the solr server reports.

Please also mention which TYPO3 version and which EXT:solr version 
you're using in case you report problems.
Add configuration for other types of records and other modifications 
later on once you're certain that 'normal' indexing works correctly.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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