[TYPO3-Solr] index.queue.configuration for pages (tt_content)

Kevin von Spiczak k.vonspiczak at q4u.de
Wed Sep 10 14:37:59 CEST 2014

Okay so this is my pages configuration:
[pages] = 1 // mapping tableName.fields.SolrFieldName => TableFieldName (+ cObj processing)
      [initialization] = tx_solr_indexqueue_Initializer_Page
      [allowedPageTypes] = 1,7 // allowed page types (doktype) when indexing records from table "pages"
      [indexingPriority] = 0
      [indexer] = tx_solr_indexqueue_PageIndexer
      [additionalWhereClause] = doktype = 1 AND no_search = 0 // only index standard pages

Nothing more, since the fields should be determined automatically, as you said.

So this should work out of the box now without further configuration right?

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