[TYPO3-Solr] index.queue.configuration for pages (tt_content)

Johann Höchtl jhoechtl at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 11:22:38 CEST 2014

If your pages have no content in the results, you most likely forgot the markers <!— TYPO3Search_begin —> and <!— TYPO3Search_end —> in your templates around the content which should be indexed.
We can help you with your errors, but we need to know them.

By the way regarding your error on news:  If you imported the static typoscript for indexing news, you have to delete that part in your typoscript:
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.news.fields.content.cObject.20 >   because typoscript is at least arrays which are getting merged.

Am 10.09.2014 um 10:57 schrieb Kevin von Spiczak <k.vonspiczak at q4u.de>:

> Hi, this is my actual TypoScript:
> [queue]
>   [pages] = 1 // mapping tableName.fields.SolrFieldName => TableFieldName (+ cObj processing)
>       [initialization] = tx_solr_indexqueue_Initializer_Page
>       [allowedPageTypes] = 1,7 // allowed page types (doktype) when indexing records from table "pages"
>       [indexingPriority] = 0
>       [indexer] = tx_solr_indexqueue_PageIndexer
>       [additionalWhereClause] = doktype = 1 AND no_search = 0 // only index standard pages
>       [fields]
>           [sortSubTitle_stringS] = subtitle
>   [news] = 1
>       [table] = tx_news_domain_model_news
>       [fields]
>           [abstract] = teaser
>           [author] = author
>           [authorEmail_stringS] = author_email
>           [title] = title
>           [content] = SOLR_CONTENT
>           [cObject] = COA
>               [10] = TEXT
>               [field] = bodytext
>               [noTrimWrap] = || |
>           [category_stringM] = SOLR_RELATION
>               [localField] = categories
>               [multiValue] = 1
>               [keywords] = SOLR_MULTIVALUE
>           [field] = keywords
>               [tags_stringM] = SOLR_RELATION
>               [localField] = tags
>               [multiValue] = 1
>           [url] = TEXT
>               [typolink]
>               [parameter] = 87
>               [additionalParams] = &tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[news]={field:uid}
>               [insertData] = 1
>               [useCacheHash] = 1
>               [returnLast] = url
> With this default configuration, the only thing I get indexed is the title of pages and news, no content available on search result page. Also I get a couple of errors.
> One of them is the error I thought I had fixed yesterday, by removing SOLR_RELATION with "content_elements". So it is not working perfectly to be honest :(
> Any advice appreciated
> Kevin
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