[TYPO3-Solr] index.queue.configuration for pages (tt_content)

Kevin von Spiczak k.vonspiczak at q4u.de
Wed Sep 10 09:54:25 CEST 2014

Well I think (sorry If i just didn't find it) it should be stated and be more visible in the wiki for new users like me. Because I just thought the configuration works for a typical TYPO3 without any add-on enabled. Since I didn't know about this add-on, the indexing threw some errors, which I had to debug first to get the fieldname which was causing the problem. 

Well I don't know what I should use now, am I supposed to use the "[indexer] = tx_solr_indexqueue_PageIndexer" for my pages indexing configuration now? Because this comes out of the default TypoScript from the extension and I didn't change it yet.

I'm gonna talk to our sysadmin and check if all requirements are ok for him, then I'm gonna see If there're any missing markers in the Templates.
So I will use the [indexer] = tx_solr_indexqueue_PageIndexer, but my question now is, do I have to configure fields for pages? My main Problem is, that I need to index Content-Elements, mainly text elements. How would you archieve this? Because if I don't configure TypoScript, I only get the title of a page indexed, so on my result page there is always only the title, which just isn't enough for us.

Thank you for your replies so far!

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