[TYPO3-Solr] Solr + Tika + Dam (solrdam): Dam not auto indexing anymore

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Tue Jan 28 12:34:04 CET 2014

Am 28.01.14 09:07, schrieb Thomas Schneider:
> Hi,
> we are running successful Solr + solrdam + Tika (via jar). Now we face
> the problem that when Tika is installed, DAM is not autoindexing anymore
> (when you upload files via Dam). They are only correctly indexed when
> Tika is turned off. Anyone having similar problems or hints how to fix
> this?
> Typo3 4.5.25 LTS
> DAM 1.3.2
> solrdam 1.1.0
> TIKA 1.2.0
> regards, Thomas

Hey Thomas,

your support case is still open here at dkd.

* Have you set up solrdam to act accordingly?
* Any other extracting services active?

Best greetings,


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