[TYPO3-Solr] Custom Index on tt_content is not refreshe automatically

Stephan Schuler Stephan.Schuler at netlogix.de
Tue Nov 5 17:50:34 CET 2013

Hi Holger.

Well ... whatever you do. If you consider your change worth to be part of the tx_solr core, please

* open a ticket on forge.typoe.org
* describe your concern there
* then fetch the latest GIT version of tx_solr from git.typo3.org
* create a patch on your local machine adding proper "Relates: #{ticketnumber}" data
* push it to review.typo3.org

Please remove "// anderung Holger" comments from your code. On one side it doesn't matter who added code, and on the other side comparing changes just by inline comments is quite a pain. Just use a git with review.typo3.org, that provides every information necessary without adding it to the file content.

If you're adding code, please do it in English. Ingo and Olivier will understand your comment, Dmitry and Jigal will not unless they pass it through google translate.

Posting a file to the list is quite pointless.

I don't know if you posted a text file to the forum.typo3.org. But when receiving your code as email transport of lists.typo3.org, the class appears as a million lines long plain text body right after your personal comments. The changes somebody picks your code and makes it play nice with latest GIT master are quite low.

FYI: I didn't snip your code, truly on purpose. Just do make clear that adding those information to an email isn't a good idea. At all.


Stephan Schuler

Telefon: +49 (911) 539909 - 0
E-Mail: Stephan.Schuler at netlogix.de
Website: media.netlogix.de

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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: typo3-project-solr-bounces at lists.typo3.org [mailto:typo3-project-solr-bounces at lists.typo3.org] Im Auftrag von Holger
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. November 2013 14:53
An: typo3-project-solr at lists.typo3.org
Betreff: Re: [TYPO3-Solr] Custom Index on tt_content is not refreshe automatically

Hi there I chaged the code of class.tx_solr_indexqueue_recordmonitor.php

*  Copyright notice
*  (c) 2009-2012 Ingo Renner <ingo (at) typo3.org>
*  All rights reserved
*  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
*  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  The GNU General Public License can be found at
*  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
*  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

 * A class that monitors changes to records so that the changed record gets
 * passed to the index queue to update the according index document.
 * @author      Ingo Renner <ingo (at) typo3.org>
 * @package     TYPO3
 * @subpackage  solr
class tx_solr_indexqueue_RecordMonitor {

         * Solr TypoScript configuration
         * TODO check whether we need this or whether it's better to retrieve each time as in getMonitoredTables()
         * @var array
        protected $solrConfiguration;

         * Index Queue
         * @var tx_solr_indexqueue_Queue
        protected $indexQueue;

         * Constructor
        public function __construct() {
                $this->indexQueue = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_indexqueue_Queue');

         * Hooks into TCE main and tracks record deletion commands.
         * @param       string  The command.
         * @param       string  The table the record belongs to
         * @param       integer The record's uid
         * @param       string
         * @param       t3lib_TCEmain   TYPO3 Core Engine parent object
        public function processCmdmap_preProcess($command, $table, $uid, $value, t3lib_TCEmain $tceMain) {
        if ($command == 'delete' && $table == 'tt_content' && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace == 0) {
                        // skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace

                        // hier ein Schalter, der tt_content als normale Tabelle behandeln soll?
                        $this->indexQueue->deleteItem('tt_content', $uid);// aenderung Holger
//                      $this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid));// aenderung Holger

         * Hooks into TCE main and tracks workspace publish/swap events and
         * page move commands in LIVE workspace.
         * @param       string  The command.
         * @param       string  The table the record belongs to
         * @param       integer The record's uid
         * @param       string
         * @param       t3lib_TCEmain   TYPO3 Core Engine parent object
        public function processCmdmap_postProcess($command, $table, $uid, $value, t3lib_TCEmain $tceMain) {
        //t3lib_div::devLog($command.'->'.$table.'->'.$uid, 'solr', 2);
                if (tx_solr_Util::isDraftRecord($table, $uid)) {
                                // skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace

                        // track publish / swap events for records (workspace support)
                        // command "version"
                if ($command == 'version' && $value['action'] == 'swap') {
                        switch ($table) {
                                case 'tt_content':// aenderung Holger
                                        // hier ein Schalter, der tt_content als normale Tabelle behandeln soll?
                                        $uid   = $uid; // $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid);// aenderung Holger
                                        $table = 'tt_content';// aenderung Holger
                                case 'pages':
                                        $this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($uid);
                                        $record                  = $this->getRecord($table, $uid);

                                        if (!empty($record) && $this->isEnabledRecord($table, $record)) {

                                                $this->indexQueue->updateItem($table, $uid);
                                        } else {
                                                        // TODO should be moved to garbage collector
                                                if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem($table, $uid)) {
                                                        $this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($table, $uid);
                                        $recordPageId            = $tceMain->getPID($table, $uid);
                                        $this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($recordPageId);
                                        $monitoredTables         = $this->getMonitoredTables($recordPageId);

                                        if (in_array($table, $monitoredTables)) {
                                                $record = $this->getRecord($table, $uid);

                                                if (!empty($record) && $this->isEnabledRecord($table, $record)) {
                                                        if ($this->isLocalizedRecord($table, $record)) {
                                                                        // if it's a localization overlay, update the original record instead
                                                                $uid = $record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField']];

                                                        $this->indexQueue->updateItem($table, $uid);
                                                } else {
                                                                // TODO should be moved to garbage collector
                                                        if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem($table, $uid)) {
                                                                $this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($table, $uid);


                if ($command == 'move' && $table == 'pages' && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace == 0) {
                                // moving pages in LIVE workspace
                        $this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($uid);
                        $record = $this->getRecord('pages', $uid);
                        if (!empty($record)) {
                                $this->indexQueue->updateItem('pages', $uid);
                        } else {
                                // check if the item should be removed from the index because it no longer matches the conditions
                                if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem('pages', $uid)) {
                                        $this->removeFromIndexAndQueue('pages', $uid);

         * Hooks into TCE Main and watches all record creations and updates. If it
         * detects that the new/updated record belongs to a table configured for
         * indexing through Solr, we add the record to the index queue.
         * @param       string  Status of the current operation, 'new' or 'update'
         * @param       string  The table the record belongs to
         * @param       mixed   The record's uid, [integer] or [string] (like 'NEW...')
         * @param       array   The record's data
         * @param       t3lib_TCEmain   TYPO3 Core Engine parent object
         * @return      void
        public function processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations($status, $table, $uid, array $fields, t3lib_TCEmain $tceMain) {
                $recordTable  = $table;
                $recordUid    = $uid;
                $recordPageId = 0;
                //t3lib_div::devLog($status.'->'.$table.'->'.$uid, 'solr', 2);
                if ($status == 'new') {
                        $recordUid = $tceMain->substNEWwithIDs[$recordUid];

                if (tx_solr_Util::isDraftRecord($table, $recordUid)) {
                                // skip workspaces: index only LIVE workspace

                if ($status == 'update' && !isset($fields['pid'])) {
                        $recordPageId = $tceMain->getPID($recordTable, $recordUid);
                } else {
                        $recordPageId = $fields['pid'];

                        // when a content element changes we need to updated the page instead
                if ($recordTable == 'tt_content') {
                        $recordTable = 'tt_content';// aenderung Holger
                        $recordUid   = $recordUid;// aenderung Holger

                $this->solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($recordPageId);
                $monitoredTables = $this->getMonitoredTables($recordPageId);

                if (in_array($recordTable, $monitoredTables, TRUE)) {
                        $record = $this->getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid);

                        if (!empty($record)) {
                                        // only update/insert the item if we actually found a record

                                if ($this->isLocalizedRecord($recordTable, $record)) {
                                                // if it's a localization overlay, update the original record instead
                                        $recordUid = $record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$recordTable]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField']];

                                        if ($recordTable == 'pages_language_overlay') {
                                                $recordTable = 'pages';

                                $this->indexQueue->updateItem($recordTable, $recordUid);

                                if ($recordTable == 'pages') {
                        } else {
                                // TODO move this part to the garbage collector

                                        // check if the item should be removed from the index because it no longer matches the conditions
                                if ($this->indexQueue->containsItem($recordTable, $recordUid)) {
                                        $this->removeFromIndexAndQueue($recordTable, $recordUid);

         * Removes record from the index queue and from the solr index
         * @param string $recordTable Name of table where the record lives
         * @param int $recordUid Id of record
        protected function removeFromIndexAndQueue($recordTable, $recordUid) {
        //t3lib_div::devLog('removeFromIndexAndQueue->'.$recordTable.'->'.$recordUid, 'solr', 2);
                $garbageCollector = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_GarbageCollector');
                $garbageCollector->collectGarbage($recordTable, $recordUid);

         * Retrieves a record, taking into account the additionalWhereClauses of the
         * Indexing Queue configurations.
         * @param string $recordTable Table to read from
         * @param int $recordUid Id of the record
         * @return array Record if found, otherwise empty array
        protected function getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid) {
        //t3lib_div::devLog('getRecord->'.$recordTable.'->'.$recordUid, 'solr', 2);
                $record = array();

                $indexingConfigurations = $this->indexQueue->getTableIndexingConfigurations($this->solrConfiguration);

                foreach ($indexingConfigurations as $indexingConfigurationName) {
                        $tableToIndex = $indexingConfigurationName;
                        if (!empty($this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'])) {
                                        // table has been set explicitly. Allows to index the same table with different configurations
                                $tableToIndex = $this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'];

                        if ($tableToIndex === $recordTable) {
                                $recordWhereClause = $this->buildUserWhereClause($indexingConfigurationName);
                                $record = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($recordTable, $recordUid, '*', $recordWhereClause);

                                if (!empty($record)) {
                                                // if we found a record which matches the conditions, we can continue

                return $record;

         * Build additional where clause from index queue configuration
         * @param string $indexingConfigurationName Indexing configuration name
         * @return string Optional extra where clause
        protected function buildUserWhereClause($indexingConfigurationName){
        //t3lib_div::devLog('buildUserWhereClause->'.$indexingConfigurationName, 'solr', 2);
                $condition = '';

                        // FIXME replace this with the mechanism described in tx_solr_indexqueue_initializer_Abstract::buildUserWhereClause()
                if (isset($this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['additionalWhereClause'])) {
                        $condition = ' AND ' . $this->solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['additionalWhereClause'];

                return $condition;

         * Gets an array of tables configured for indexing by the Index Queue. The
         * record monitor must watch these tables for manipulation.
         * @param       integer The page id for which we need to retrieve the configuration for
         * @return      array   Array of table names to be watched by the record monitor.
        protected function getMonitoredTables($pageId) {
                //t3lib_div::devLog('getMonitoredTables'.$pageId, 'solr', 2);
                $monitoredTables = array();

                        // FIXME!! $pageId might be outside of a site root and thus might not know about solr configuration
                        // -> leads to record not being queued for reindexing
                $solrConfiguration = tx_solr_Util::getSolrConfigurationFromPageId($pageId);
                $indexingConfigurations = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_indexqueue_Queue')

                foreach ($indexingConfigurations as $indexingConfigurationName) {
                        $monitoredTable = $indexingConfigurationName;

                        if (!empty($solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'])) {
                                        // table has been set explicitly. Allows to index the same table with different configurations
                                $monitoredTable = $solrConfiguration['index.']['queue.'][$indexingConfigurationName . '.']['table'];

                        $monitoredTables[] = $monitoredTable;
                        if ($monitoredTable == 'pages') {
                                        // when monitoring pages, also monitor creation of translations
                                $monitoredTables[] = 'pages_language_overlay';

                return array_unique($monitoredTables);

        // Mount Page Handling

         * Handles updates of the Index Queue in case a newly created or changed
         * page is part of a tree that is mounted into a another site.
         * @param integer $pageId Page Id (uid).
        protected function updateMountPages($pageId) {
        //t3lib_div::devLog('updateMountPages->'.$pageId, 'solr', 9);

                        // get the root line of the page, every parent page could be a Mount Page source
                $pageSelect = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_pageSelect');
                $rootLine   = $pageSelect->getRootLine($pageId);

                        // remove the current page / newly created page

                $destinationMountProperties = $this->getDestinationMountPropertiesByRootLine($rootLine);

                if (!empty($destinationMountProperties)) {
                        foreach ($destinationMountProperties as $destinationMount) {
                                $this->addPageToMountingSiteIndexQueue($pageId, $destinationMount);

         * Finds Mount Pages that mount pages in a given root line.
         * @param array $rootLine Root line of pages to check for usage as mount source
         * @return array Array of pages found to be mounting pages from the root line.
        protected function getDestinationMountPropertiesByRootLine(array $rootLine) {
        //t3lib_div::devLog('getDestinationMountPropertiesByRootLine->'.$rootLine, 'solr', 10);
                $mountPages = array();
                $pageIds    = array();

                if (!empty($rootLine)) {
                        foreach ($rootLine as $pageRecord) {
                                $pageIds[] = $pageRecord['uid'];

                                if ($pageRecord['is_siteroot']) {

                        $mountPages = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
                                'uid, uid AS mountPageDestination, mount_pid AS mountPageSource, mount_pid_ol AS mountPageOverlayed',
                                'doktype = 7 AND mount_pid IN(' . implode(',', $pageIds) . ')'
                                        . t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('pages')

                return $mountPages;

         * Adds a page to the Index Queue of a site mounting the page.
         * @param integer $mountedPageId ID (uid) of the mounted page.
         * @param array $mountProperties Array of mount point properties mountPageSource, mountPageDestination, and mountPageOverlayed
        protected function addPageToMountingSiteIndexQueue($mountedPageId, array $mountProperties) {
        //t3lib_div::devLog('addPageToMountingSiteIndexQueue->'.mountedPageId, 'solr', 2);
                $mountingSite = tx_solr_Site::getSiteByPageId($mountProperties['mountPageDestination']);

                $pageInitializer = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_indexqueue_initializer_Page');

                $pageInitializer->initializeMountedPage($mountProperties, $mountedPageId);

         * Checks whether a record is a localization overlay.
         * @param string $table The record's table name
         * @param array $record The record to check
         * @return boolean TRUE if the record is a language overlay, FALSE otherwise
        protected function isLocalizedRecord($table, array $record) {
                //t3lib_div::devLog('isLocalizedRecord', 'solr', 2);
                $isLocalizedRecord = FALSE;
                $translationOriginalPointerField = '';

                if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'])) {
                        $translationOriginalPointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];

                        if ($record[$translationOriginalPointerField] > 0) {
                                $isLocalizedRecord = TRUE;

                return $isLocalizedRecord;

         * Checks if a record is "enabled"
         * A record is considered "enabeled" if
         *  - it is not hidden
         *  - it is not deleted
         *  - as a page it is not set to be excluded from search
         * @param string $table The record's table name
         * @param array $record The record to check
         * @return boolean TRUE if the record is enabled, FALSE otherwise
        protected function isEnabledRecord($table, $record) {
                //t3lib_div::devLog('isEnabledRecord', 'solr', 2);
                $recordEnabled = TRUE;

                if (
                        (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']) && !empty($record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']]))
                        (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['delete']) && !empty($record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['delete']]))
                        ($table == 'pages' && !empty($record['no_search']))
                ) {
                        $recordEnabled = FALSE;

                return $recordEnabled;


if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/solr/classes/indexqueue/class.tx_solr_indexqueue_recordmonitor.php'])  {

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