[TYPO3-Solr] Random sorting

Bart Gijswijt bart.gijswijt at gmail.com
Tue May 21 19:44:02 CEST 2013

Op 21-5-2013 15:41, Rik Willems schreef:
> Op 21-05-13 14:45, Jigal van Hemert schreef:
>> In many cases the actual error message gives a clue about the problem.
>> Care to share it with the world?
>> Did you Initialize the index (in the Search BE module) and let the queue
>> worker tasks to their job before trying to search?
> Hi,
> It doesn't really give an error: Het spijt ons. Uw verzoek kon niet
> worden verwerkt.
> In the devlog nothing shows up.
> As soon as I add the given setup the search starts to fail. I haven't
> even changed the sortBy yet. I wonder if it's a good setup.
> Cheers! Rik


I was about to post the same question today. I tried the setup Rik 
... {
	test_random = TEXT
         test_random.value = test

and can confirm that this leads to the error in the FE. Additionally, 
when using Info > Site Search Inspector in the BE the following message 

Solr response does not appear to be valid JSON, please examine the raw 
response with getRawResponse() method

So I also doubt the setup is correct. It seems a bit weird to enter a 
value for something that's supposed to be random...
Furthermore I wonder how this is supposed to work at all. Random to me 
would mean that with every new visit/refresh a new random order is 
generated. How can that be possible when sorting by a field that is 
stored in the index?


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