[TYPO3-Solr] Failed to establish Solr connection

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Tue Dec 17 13:54:11 CET 2013


On 17-12-2013 11:48, Cristian Patrichi wrote:
> Hi,
> I already made these steps yesterday, but solr still not indexing.
> I installed solr from .deb:  apt-get install solr-tomcat
> Is this installation wrong? In reports I see some yellow warnings that
> some solr.xml is not set correctly.

As said already, the scripts provided in the solr extension download, 
install and configure tomcat and solr in a way that is usable for TYPO3 
(and the solr extension). There is custom configuration here and there 
to make sure the extension and the solr server work together properly 
(and also you have the option to define extra fields in TypoScript with 
the use of dynamic fields).

If you insist on using your own configuration, take a look at the 
install scripts to know what they change and what you need to modify in 
your installation.

The only thing I had to change after running the install script was the 
fact that tomcat only listened to localhost and I installed it on a 
different server. Apart from a Java SDK everything else was done 
properly by the install script.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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