[TYPO3-Solr] Failed to establish Solr connection

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Tue Dec 17 07:52:17 CET 2013


On 16-12-2013 22:05, Cristian Patrichi wrote:
> I attached some screen shots.
> begin 644 Screen Shot 2013-12-16 at 23.00.46.png
> MB5!.1PT*&@H````-24A$4@``"@````2L"`(```#,UT9'```,1VE#0U!)0T,@
> M4')O9FEL90``2`VM5W=84]<;_NY(`B$)(Q`!&6$O4?:4O04%V5`'(0DDC!@"
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> M``((((```@@@@``""""```((((```@@@@``""""```((E`H0[BWUX`H!!!!`
> M``$$$$```0000``!!!!```$$$$```0000``!!!`X300(]YXF#XIE(H```@@@
> M@``""""```((((```@@@@``""""```((((```J4"_Q_5,%?'V5=Z[@````!)
> '14Y$KD)@@@``
> `
> end

Please, as I already explained, don't attach binary files. You're 
obviously using forum.typo3.org which (unfortunately) allows you to 
attach files. It means a lot of traffic for the people who subscribe to 
the mailing lists and those who read the posts via newsgroups only see 
something like I quoted above (only waaaay longer).
Best way is to put your images or other files somewhere on a server and 
only provide a link in your post.

The usual steps to make EXT:solr work are:

1. Install solr server
2. Create cores
3. Restart tomcat
4. Install EXT:solr extension
5. Put the plug-in on a page
6. Include static TypoScript template(s)
7. Configure TypoScript for your installation
8. Initialize Solr connections (in the clear cache menu)
9. Use Admin Tools > Search to initialize the index queueus
10. Configure and run the Scheduler task(s)

Whenever I have to change the TypoScript configuration for solr in a way 
which influences the indexing I repeat steps 9 and 10.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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