[TYPO3-Solr] Display author, type, created/changed date in the result

Horea Negru horea.negru at arxia.com
Thu Oct 25 07:51:59 CEST 2012

Hi Tobias,

Here is the wiki page of the project : 
Here you can find some details about templating 

###RESULT_DOCUMENT.AUTHOR### should work. Did you put it inside the 
correct subpart (<!-- ###LOOP:RESULT_DOCUMENTS### begin --><!-- 
###LOOP_CONTENT### -->...)?
The template is solr/resources/templates/pi_results/results.htm

PS. Be sure that the field Author is not empty and the record is indexed 
and commited.

I hope this helps.


On 24.10.2012 20:29, Tobias Schaefer wrote:
> Hi list,
> how is it possible to display the author, type and the created/changed 
> date of a page or tt_news-entry in the result?
> Since it's possible to sort the result by author, type and 
> created/changed date this informations must be present.
> I tried to alter the result-template by adding a marker 
> ###RESULT_DOCUMENT.AUTHOR###. Of course I was just guessing the name 
> of the marker since I couldn't find any documentation about the 
> available markers.
> I'm using solr 2.2.2 (TER) and TYPO3 4.5.20.
> Kind regards,
> Tobias Schäfer
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