[TYPO3-Solr] Indexing files "attached" to a record

Peter Beernink p.beernink at drecomm.nl
Wed Oct 17 16:39:59 CEST 2012


I've setup indexing for an Extbase table which includes a "file" field.
As I also want to index the contents of that file, I've added it to the 
However this doesn't get picked up.
When debugging I found that instead of using the key.table, the key is 
used to check for the TCA array.
When I changed my configuration to have the key match the tablename it 
still didn't work.
after some further debugging it looks like the 
fileindexer_attachmentdetectorfactory doesn't load the full TCA, as I 
only have the ext_tables.php part.
The strange thing is that tt_news does work.

Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?
It this a bug and is tt_news working by accident or am I missing some 


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