[TYPO3-Solr] Display a single Datatype in a table in result list

Jonas Götze jonnsn at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 09:16:59 CEST 2012

Hi all,

We have a SOLR search (EAP, current Trunk, TYPO3 CMS ;-) 4.5) with 
multiple Datatypes (e.g. Pages, News and Users). A wonderful and 
working-like-a-charm-Extension, Thank you!

Now we need to display the users on top of all results (works fine with 
boost) and, more difficult, we need to display them in a table.
We have no problems in displaying a single user in a table by using the 
IF Viewhelper with the type.
But we were not able to put them together in a table. Are there any 
suggestions on how this could be achieved?
This would not be such a great challenge when using Fluid (err ... i 
mean TYPO3 Fluid), but as it is not available yet we have to find a 
solution with the available Templating Mechanism.
We tried to identify the first and the last user to open and close the 
table, but we couldn't find out how to use that information inside the 
IF-Viewhelper (Nesting not possible? Syntax?).

Thank you for any suggestions/hints on that problem.

Best Regards

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