[TYPO3-Solr] Administrate Synonyms in TYPO3

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Fri Aug 24 18:11:06 CEST 2012

Am 24.08.12 17:38, schrieb André Dittmar:

> Hi all
> As far as I understood, the basic (and only?) way for Solr to refer keywords to synonyms is a text file? We think our client won't be able (or at least I won't be happy :)) to edit such a text file.
> Are there any other (more comfortable) possibilities? I found nothing like a backend module in the TER, to administrate synonyms (and create the text file). So at the moment it seems the only way to build a such module, right?
> Thanks for a quick response or for showing an alternative way!
> Kind regards,
> Andre

Its on our Dev Agenda for the EAP/dkd Version:


This requires a special Apache Solr Plugin that adds an Interface to the
Text files.

In the mean Time you will need to fiddle with the text files and re-index...


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