[TYPO3-Solr] tt_news is indexed, but not displayed

Andreas Krüger Krueger at druckcenter.de
Tue Apr 3 14:30:57 CEST 2012


we are using
TYPO3 4.5.14
solr 	2.1.0

tt_news are stored in the db table, but not displayed in the result list. Sysfolder is in domain root. The facets are also not displayed. Any hint what can cause this problem?


# Settings
plugin.tx_solr {
   	enableDebugMode = 1
    # templates
    templateFile {
        results = EXT:solr/resources/templates/pi_results/results.htm
        search = EXT:solr/resources/templates/pi_search/search.htm
    cssFiles {
    	results = fileadmin/templates/solr_results.css
    	#suggest = fileadmin/templates/solr_jquery-ui_custom.css

    index.queue {
    	# tt_news indexierung aktivieren 
        tt_news = 1 
		tt_news {
			additionalPageIds = 40
			fields {
				abstract = short
				author = author
				description = short
				title = title
				content = SOLR_CONTENT
				content {
					field = bodytext
				category_stringM = SOLR_RELATION
				category_stringM {
					localField = category
					multiValue = 1
				dateYear_stringS = TEXT
				dateYear_stringS {
				  field = yourDateField
				  date = Y
				keywords = SOLR_MULTIVALUE
				keywords {
					field = keywords
				url = TEXT
				url {
					typolink.parameter = {$plugin.tt_news.singlePid}
					typolink.additionalParams = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={field:uid}&L={field:__solr_index_language}
					typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
					typolink.returnLast = url
					typolink.useCacheHash = 1
				sortAuthor_stringS = author
				sortTitle_stringS  = title
			attachments {
				fields = news_files
        // mapping tableName.fields.SolrFieldName => TableFieldName (+ cObj processing)
        pages = 1
        pages {
            initialization = tx_solr_indexqueue_initializer_Page

            indexer = tx_solr_indexqueue_PageIndexer
            indexer {
                // add options for the indexer here

                // only index standard pages
            additionalWhereClause = doktype = 1 AND no_search = 0

            fields {
                sortAuthor_stringS = author
                sortTitle_stringS  = title
                sortSubTitle_stringS = subtitle

	# Autovervollständigen aktivieren
	suggest = 1 
	# Das Suchwort in den Ergebnissen hervorheben 
    search.results.resultsHighlighting = 1 
    # Meinten Sie aktivieren 
    search.spellchecking = 1 
	# Übersetzung der Gruppierung 
    search {
		results {
			resultsPerPage = 15
		# Sortierfunktion der Ergebnisse aktivieren 
		sorting = 1
		sorting {
			defaultOrder = asc

			options {
				relevance {
					field = relevance
					label = Relevanz

				title {
					field = sortTitle_stringS
					label = Titel

				type {
					field = type
					label = Typ

				author {
					field = sortAuthor_stringS
					label = Autor

				created {
					field = created
					label = Datum
        # Suchgruppierung aktivieren 
        faceting = 1 
        faceting {
			showEmptyFacets = 1            
            # Gruppierung entfernen Link Beschriftung
            #removeFacetLinkText = @facetText (entfernen)
			facets {
                type {
                    label = Filtertyp
                    renderingInstruction = CASE
                    renderingInstruction {
                        key.field = optionValue
                        pages = TEXT
                        pages.value = Pages
                        pages.lang.de = Seiten
                        tt_news = TEXT
                        tt_news.value = News
                        tt_news.lang.de = Nachrichten
                        tx_solr_file = TEXT
                        tx_solr_file.value = Files
                        tx_solr_file.lang.de = Dateien
				category {
					field = category_stringM
					label = Kategorie

	logging {
		exceptions = 1

		indexing {
			indexQueueInitialization = 1
			missingTypo3SearchMarkers = 1
			pageIndexed = 1

			queue {
				pages = 1
				tt_news = 1

		query {
			filters = 1
			searchWords = 1
			queryString = 1
			rawPost = 1
			rawGet = 1

Viele Grüße,

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