[TYPO3-Solr] Solr- Configuration

Tomas Norre Mikkelsen tomasnorre at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 20:48:08 CEST 2011


I have my first TYPO3 Solr installation for the first time. So I have 
some question, cannot get thinks on queries working.

I've done following:

* Installed Solr (tomcat) at external-host (from svn)
* Installed TYPO3 solr ext. (from svn)
* Inserted static-solr-template a root-page
* Marked my root-page
* Configured plugin.tx_solr.solr.* at root-page
* Setup Following in scheduler:

** Index Query Worker (sorl) Root_PID: 1 cron: */2 * * * * (perhaps to 
often, but ok, when testing=

** Commit Solr Index to remote server cron: */2 * * * * (also to often)

** Optimize Solr Index cron: 30 2 * * * (once a day should be efficient)

When entering the "search"-module in BE, I have a "select index" in top, 
where i can choose my configuration, so the configuration is recognized.

Any hints on what i did wrong?

Best Regards
Tomas Norre Mikkelsen
T3 Skin Team Member
Follow me at twitter.com/tomasnorre

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