[TYPO3-Solr] 500 internal server error after copying xmls (schema, solrconfig)

Stefan Franke stefan.franke at gmx.co.uk
Wed Jan 19 11:08:36 CET 2011

Ok, I have fixed the problem with the status 500 error. The config was looking for the access filter plugin. As I don't quite know where to put this, I just commented out these two lines in the xml and now Solr is working with the xmls that come with the extension. So that's fine.

When I press the search button though, I still get no results but an http status 400 bad request instead. In detail the log files show these messages:

FATAL | tx_solr | exception while querying solr
    0 => exception 'Apache_Solr_HttpTransportException' with message ''400' Status: Bad Request' in C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3_4.4.6\typo3conf\ext\solr\lib\SolrPhpClient\Apache\Solr\Service.php:380

FATAL | tx_solr | 1: exception 't3lib_error_Exception' with message 'PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 2 passed to tx_solr_pi_results::processResponse() must be an instance of Apache_Solr_Response, null given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3_4.4.6\typo3conf\ext\solr\pi_results\class.tx_solr_pi_results.php on line 99 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3_4.4.6\typo3conf\ext\solr\pi_results\class.tx_solr_pi_results.php line 109' in C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3_4.4.6\t3lib\error\class.t3lib_error_errorhandler.php:106

Does that mean there is something wrong with my plugin settings?

plugin.tx_solr {
  solr {
    scheme = http
    host = localhost
    port = 80
    path = /solr/
  search {
    results {
      resultsPerPage = 10

> OK: Can see the Apache Solr Admin Interface?
> Can you query it there? Search for *:*

This works fine:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<lst name="responseHeader">
 <int name="status">0</int>
 <int name="QTime">19</int>
 <lst name="params">
  <str name="rows">10</str>
  <str name="start">0</str>

  <str name="indent">on</str>
  <str name="q">*:*</str>
  <str name="version">2.2</str>
<result name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/>


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