[TYPO3-Solr] 500 internal server error after copying xmls (schema, solrconfig)

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Tue Jan 18 18:12:05 CET 2011

Am 18.01.11 16:07, schrieb Stefan Franke:

> *) with xml files from TYPO3 extension:
> FATAL | tx_solr | exception while trying to ping the solr server

OK: Can see the Apache Solr Admin Interface?
Can you query it there? Search for *:*

It could be that your apache solr server is too fast for the plugin. we
have a patch pending to the upcoming public release.

if you want to dig into this have a look at the php


methode ping:
return true;
#return microtime(true) - $start;


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