[TYPO3-Solr] Exception while trying to index a page > No Solr instance available

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Tue Aug 9 18:38:43 CEST 2011

Am 09.08.11 17:44, schrieb Boris Hinzer:

> Accessing SOLR through lynx localhost:8080/solr/ works fine.
> But lynx localhost:8080/solr/admin doesn't work - I guess because of the
> changed path.
> We can acesss SOLR interface when we enter "Admin en_core"

Hi Boris,

If you have ssh access to the solrmachine then you could

ssh -C2qTnN -L 7777:localhost:8080 youruser at yourmachine.dot.com

Then you can go to your Browser and enter http://localhost:7777/solr/

There you should a list of your cores.

If you can see them then you should check your settings in typoscript.

like this.
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/production-typo3solr-en_US/
[globalVar = GP:L=1]
plugin.tx_solr.solr.path = /solr/production-typo3solr-de_DE/


PS: If this does not help then contact me in PM so that we can work on 
this together and use the 4 hrs in the EAP Support.

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