[TYPO3-Solr] No search results

Georg Kuehnberger georg at georg.org
Sat May 1 01:12:59 CEST 2010

Olivier Dobberkau wrote:
> Am 29.04.10 17:48, schrieb Felix Leipold (truecare® GmbH):
>> I used the same TS-configuration...
>> only instead of " plugin.tx_solr.solr.host ="
>> is used " plugin.tx_solr.solr.host = localhost"
>> I also tried it with the hostname which is accessible via internet, but it produced the same (no) result.
>> If I change the settings to something wrong, I get the message that the Solr service is not available. 
>> Therefore I think that my Typo settings are fine.
>> must be something else...
> ok.
> - you have checked that there is content in your solr index?
> - are you using the correct schema?
> - what does debug say?
> olivier

I'd like to add:

- tip-1:
Run a tail -f on the solr server's logs to see the requests (coming from 
typo3 - if at all) and the solr responses (you could also raise the 
solr-log-level to be more verbose);

- tip-2: you mentioned:
  "Solr webadministration is successfull and returns some results in the 
JSON format"
That's fine so far however, it only proves that solr is running on that 
host is is accepting connections from the SAME host/IP.
In case you're running TYPO3 elsewhere you should make sure that TYPO3 
can talk to the solr server.

just my rough guess; g

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